Spiritual Mentor

Freedom Through Commitment

What are you committed to this year?

Those of us who follow the path of Spirit know what it feels like to commit to something that defies logical explanation.

Even if it's terrifying. Even if it goes against everything we thought we knew.

When I AM Alchemy was asking to be born in 2017, I was apprehensive. At that time, offering a year-long course tied to a syllabus sounded constricting and limiting. One of my core values of practice is freedom, flexibility and immediacy, so I can follow the emergent currents of energy and the illuminated path in my personal and professional practice. Sometimes that can change from year to year, or season to season.

Fellow Seeker, I'm sure you understand. When Spirit is calling, we heed the call.

But the thing about this course is that it has a life force of its own, and as such, it has a process of evolution and growth within the body of knowledge itself. I AM Alchemy is not a dry, scripted teaching from a dusty book. It is a vital, living entity that has its own energy flow and plan. Someone asked me during the early years of I AM Alchemy how I organized and offered my teachings, and the most honest response was simply, "I listen to what wants to be shared."

This is the difference between teaching and stewardship. Yes, I have a plan. Yes, I have a course outline and recorded videos and documents and structure. But more important than this is the capacity to listen and to transmit what wants to come through, and knowing that it will be exactly the right thing for my students.

Even now, as I have shifted from teaching the classes live to sharing the teachings over video recordings, there is flexibility and freedom for real-time transmissions, and I am always listening.

Ultimately, my role in this process is to simply pass along the messages. As a steward of this mystery school, part of my job is to be quiet and allow myself to be guided, so that I can guide my students in turn. This is my commitment to Spirit and to Alchemy itself, and as long as I practice this work, I honor this commitment. As long as I honor this commitment, I have the freedom I desire in my practice.

My commitments to this body of knowledge allow me to be an active participant in the mystery, which always feels like the most illuminated path.

In preparation for one of the I AM Alchemy course retreats, I ask my students to write their own commitments. This practice is our way of making a contract of sorts with ourselves and with the work. We witness each other in our commitments during ceremony, and the power that comes from this practice always blows everyone away.

What happens when we make these commitments? What happens when we spell out in writing what we are signing up for as an Alchemist on this planet?
Seeker, what are your commitments?

Here are some of mine. Check out below for the prompts I offer my students if you would like to write your own.

As an Alchemist, I commit...

As an Alchemist, I commit to holding myself in trust and compassion through change as I discover and know fully all parts of my Self. I commit to bringing magic to every facet of my life.

As an Alchemist, I commit to bringing more subtlety, intentionality, precision and grace to my work. I commit to redefining my personal practice to align more supportively and harmoniously with my well-being.

As an Alchemist, I commit to carrying out the operations of the Sun, Moon and Earth here on this planet for the Highest and Greatest Good of all beings.

As an Alchemist, I commit to being an instrument and steward of this body of knowledge, to ensuring its path in the modern world, and to honoring and participating in this cycle, always. I commit to holding the torch so that those who are ready may find the path. I commit to listening always to this work, and offering teachings in alignment with the instruction I receive.

If you are ready to step into your own commitments to the path, then I AM Alchemy is right for you. If you are ready to answer your deep soul calling to live your purpose... If you are ready to step into fulfillment of your Soul Contract and commitments... If you are ready to remember who you truly are, claim your I AM and inspire others to do the same... If you are ready to walk the Earth as a Divine Embodied Being...
...submit your application for I AM Alchemy now.

I AM Alchemy begins March 17. Are you ready to commit?

Journal prompts:

What are my commitments to my Self?
What are my commitments to my practice?
What are my commitments to Spirit?
What do I need in order to honor those commitments?

I AM Alchemy:
Study the Mystery
Practice Transformation
Actualize your Radiance

Your Spiritual Growth and Education in 2024

Happy Gregorian new year, friends and like-hearted seekers!

If you're taking the opportunity to vision, set goals and orient yourself for the year ahead, good for you! (If not, that's fine, too.)

If you're like me, you probably have a few courses or retreats on your radar that you would love to do, but need to plan, schedule and budget for.

Now is a great time to set goals and intentions for spiritual growth and skill development in conjunction with year planning.

Here are some helpful things to consider. Ask yourself:

  1. What are my priorities for my spiritual path this year? (For example: skill development and certification in a particular modality, personalized 1:1 mentorship with a teacher, sample from a buffet of different modalities, get your personal practice really dialed in, etc.)

  2. What training, education, support and/or mentorship would be most supportive for me to address those priorities? (For example: go on that retreat, work with that teacher you've been following for years, take lots of mini courses, etc.)

  3. What prerequisites and preparation do I need to pursue those priorities? (For example: are there certain courses that require prerequisites? Is there advance preparation required for a retreat?)

  4. What commitment of time and energy am I willing to allocate to my spiritual priorities this year? (This can be flexible as necessary, but it's helpful to realistically assess your availability and be honest with yourself about your capacity. For example: take a year-long course and devote up to 5 hours per week to study and practice, take a 7-week course in the fall when kids go back to school, go on a 10-day retreat once a year, 10 minutes of daily personal practice, etc.)

  5. What is my budget for my spiritual priorities this year? (This can be flexible as necessary, but I have found it to be helpful especially when planning for higher-investment training, retreats, mentorship and tuition. I have a continuing education budget in my business and consistently spend 5-10% of my gross income on courses, skill development and healing work for my own spiritual practice and so that I can grow as a practitioner and serve my clients more effectively. For example: you want to take a course that costs $15k but offers monthly payments that work for your budget, you can comfortably spend $200 per month attending local events and circles, you set aside $50 per month in your budget to take that $400 course, etc.)

  6. What deadlines, prices and scheduling/3D logistical information do I need to track this year? (For example: the course you want to take begins in September and costs $X, so you need to look for early bird registration starting in July and allocate $Y in your monthly budget so you're ready to pay in full, and block the October retreat dates off in your calendar and request time off from work for that long weekend.)

I regularly consider and review these questions when deciding how to plan and where to invest in my spiritual path and skill development. I hope this helps you!

Is working with me on your radar for 2024?

Here are some of the ways you can work with me this year for your path, spiritual mentorship, continuing education and skill development:

1:1 Transformational Mentorship

  • Topics and skills: Personalized mentorship and healing work for your spiritual path. Includes energy healing work, developing your unique spiritual and intuitive gifts, personal practice, movement and sound, support for your spiritual and/or healing business practice. Includes training as needed from my many bodies of knowledge, including energetic mastery, shamanic practice, mediumship, Alchemy and more.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: None required.

  • Time commitment: 2 sessions per month for 6 months, plus personal practice, homework and integration between sessions (average 3-7 hours per week).

  • Budget: Pay in full $4500 or six monthly payments of $797.

  • 3D considerations: Rolling enrollment according to vacancies in my calendar (apply anytime). Consultation and application required. Sessions are virtual or in-person near Portland, OR.


I AM Alchemy

  • Topics and skills: Shamanic Alchemy apprenticeship. "Spiritual grad school." Includes online curriculum, live group classes, 1:1 mentorship sessions* and four 4-day, in-person retreats* (*with Apprentice Path).

  • Prerequisites and preparation: For people of intermediate to advanced spiritual background. Recommended that candidates have foundations of energy healing and personal practice.

  • Time commitment: 3-6 hours per week for one year, plus four 4-day, in-person retreats*.

  • Budget: Student path (classes only) $3197. Apprentice path (classes, 1:1 sessions and retreats) $9497 plus retreat lodging and travel to and from retreats. Payment plans available.

  • 3D considerations: begins March 17, 2024. Closed cohort (enrolls once a year), accepting applications now. Year-long apprenticeship. In-person retreats held near Portland, OR. Fly into PDX. Consultation and application required.


Dragon Initiation

  • Topics and skills: Initiation into the Sapphire Dragon Line. Includes supplementary training and transmissions from the Dragons.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: The Dragons have been calling you and guiding you to this initiation.

  • Time commitment: 3-day in-person retreat plus three 1:1 sessions, to be completed within 6 weeks.

  • Budget: $4500 plus lodging for retreat, travel to and from retreat. Payment plan available.

  • 3D considerations: Rolling enrollment (apply anytime). Consultation and application required. Retreats held near Portland, OR. Fly into PDX.


Sacred Ecology

  • Topics and skills: How to work with land and nature spirits, Shamanic practice, geomancy, foundations of ecology.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: None required.

  • Time commitment: Seven weekly 90 minute classes, plus optional 1:1 sessions.

  • Budget: $777 (classes only) or $1697 (classes plus 1:1 sessions). Payment plans available.

  • 3D considerations: Closed cohort (enrolls once a year). Begins May 2024, Early Bird enrollment and discount begins April 2024. Online course, optional 1:1 sessions held virtually.

Personal Retreat

  • Topics and skills: Add an in-person 1:1 retreat to our work together. Includes energy healing work, qigong and movement practice, shamanic journey, nature time, support for your spiritual and/or healing business practice. Includes training as needed from my many bodies of knowledge, including energetic mastery, shamanic practice, mediumship, Alchemy and more.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: 1:1 mentorship with me.

  • Time commitment: 3 or 4-day in-person retreat.

  • Budget: $3600-$4500 plus lodging for retreat, travel to and from retreat. Payment plan available.

  • 3D considerations: Rolling enrollment, add personal retreats to other work with me for personal healing and mentorship work. Retreats held near Portland, OR. Fly into PDX.

Best wishes for your spiritual growth and skill development in 2024!

I cried a little bit when I read this.

Sometimes we need reminders about how much our impact helps the people around us.

Early this fall, as I was contemplating offering I AM Alchemy again in 2024, I had a moment of doubt.

I took 2023 off from teaching I AM Alchemy so I could focus more deeply on my Shamanic practice and lineage, and the extra time and attention I had led to creating the Sacred Ecology course, supporting clients more deeply in their Shamanic practice, and developing my work with sacred plant medicines. It's been wonderful.

But because I've been away from I AM Alchemy since my last apprentice graduated in March earlier this year, I forgot how amazing this course is.

"Does this course actually help people?"

"A year-long apprenticeship course is a huge investment of time, energy and money, for me and my students. Is it worth it?"

"My Shamanic practice is going so well. Should I just focus on that and back off of Alchemy?"

These questions and doubts were floating around in my mind when my recent apprentice graduate emailed me the most wonderful and articulate review of her experience in this course.

Y'all, I cried a little bit when I read it.

Reading more about how her experience in this year-long apprenticeship impacted her in enormously positive ways reminded me that...

YES, I AM Alchemy definitely helps people, and the benefits extend far beyond the year-long course.

YES, I AM Alchemy is a significant investment of time, energy and money, and it is totally worth it.

YES, my Shamanic practice is more thriving than ever, and it coexists and harmonizes beautifully with Alchemy.

Read on and see for yourself what she had to say about I AM Alchemy:

"My name is Nicky Smolter. I am a teacher, community leader, and magical person.

I worked with Michelle in I AM Alchemy and one on one mentorship [prior to I AM Alchemy].

I joined I AM Alchemy because I had been on a spiritual and magical journey for several years, but I desired something deeper to truly integrate all that I was learning. I knew I was in a transition stage but didn't quite know who or what I was transitioning into. I knew I needed something with structure that was not just about completing modules or participating in calls, but something that I was able to immerse myself in while still living my day to day life.

The I AM Alchemy course was not just a way to deepen my own magical mastery through all of the different teachings, tools, and practices, but it was a container for deep transformation. I am a different person than I was before working with Michelle and doing this program, but at the same time, I am more fully myself than ever before. This container was really what held me and supported me through the death of the old and rebirth into the new.

Through I AM Alchemy, I have learned so much about how creation, transformation, and magic works on both a practical and spiritual level. This course helped me to incorporate all of the different teachings and modalities that I've learned before into a strong foundation that I can continue to use over and over again. My life is so much more magical and expansive. I feel like I've upleveled into a new version of power, creation, mastery, and connection. I have also deepened my trust in spirit and magic that has made the hard parts of life so much easier and the best parts of life more joyful.

One of my biggest takeaways is trusting when I feel called and leaning into the unknown. I felt called to do this program but I didn't always understand why. I'm not a practitioner or healer so I wasn't sure that I needed to invest in my own spiritual, personal, and magical growth in this way. However, I am so grateful that I gave myself this opportunity because it has led me to live in a way that I had always dreamed of. Mixing magic and spirituality into a very practical 3D life. I don't feel like I need to choose between the two, but instead can weave them together to create a life that feels both personally fulfilling and deeply impactful.

Because of this course, I will continue to trust and lean into this work. Even if it's not what I get paid to do, its effect on my life and those I work and interact with is remarkable. I see and feel the value of committing to my own spiritual and magical path to create a life I love.

Michelle’s support and this container helped me to step into my own power. I really feel like I spiritually and magically grew up during my time working with her.

I recommend I AM Alchemy to anyone who feels called, especially those who have taken many courses and programs but still feel like they're not fully integrating. For me, this was like the graduate study in practical magic that helped pull everything together and allowed me to lead my own transformation.

I was actually a little nervous when I first started working one on one with Michelle because I knew that choosing her as a teacher and guide would push me outside of my comfort zone and challenge me to go deeper and step into my own magical power at a completely different level. Michelle is truly someone who walks the walk, and the depth of her knowledge, practice, and embodiment was something that I wanted for my own life. I felt incredibly supported, encouraged, and challenged throughout our work together.

[Shared verbatim in a personal phone call] I feel like that last year of investing time and energy and money will be paying off dividends for decades to come."

If any of that resonates with you, now is the time to submit your application for I AM Alchemy.

Do you desire the peace, confidence and expansion that come from deep self-mastery?

Are you guided by universal forces to master spiritual technology based in Universal Law?

Are you ready to offer actual magic for the purpose of healing, illumination and actualization, for yourself and for all beings?

I AM Alchemy is a year-long course in practical transformation for your spiritual journey, and it begins March 2024. Check out all the course details here.

Early Bird ends TODAY.

Are you ready to apply for the course and claim your Early Bird discount?

$200 off Student Path!

$400 off Apprentice Path!

(If you're not sure which option is right for you, I will help you decide during our consultation.)

Here's how to lock in your spot for I AM Alchemy Early Bird:

  1. Submit your application for I AM Alchemy.

  2. Book a consultation with me.

  3. Pay your deposit to hold your spot.

Why do you need Alchemy?

Alchemy is an esoteric mystery school that dates back many thousands of years, but its principles and magic are just as applicable today because they are based in Universal Law.

Think of Alchemy like the physics department of spirituality. Literature and art will change with culture. Social sciences evolve over time. Biology studies forms of life and the ecology of a changing world. But no matter what, the laws of physics are universal and timeless. The laws of physics are consistent, predictable and universal. They are applicable to an infinite range of concepts, and understanding them allows us to understand the fabric of creation itself.

“Thus will you obtain the Glory of the Whole Universe. All Obscurity will be clear to you. This is the greatest Force of all powers, because it overcomes every Subtle thing and penetrates every Solid thing. In this way was the Universe created. From this comes many wondrous Applications, because this is the Pattern.”

– The Emerald Tablet (text of Alchemy)

The original, most defining text of Alchemy itself tells us what we can expect from this study. Universal truth. Clear understanding. This universal force that is present in all things is the driving force of creation and all of life. Alchemy is the pattern of creation, and can be applied to anything at all.

Okay, so why do YOU need this, dear reader?

Those who know the laws get to use them according to their will and desire, for better or for worse. This is true in society, in science, in finance and more. We have seen this throughout human history: the people with the knowledge of the laws of any given system (government, physics, investing) are the ones who get to shape its structure for everyone else. Ideally, those are people with good hearts and generous intentions, who are using their knowledge of the laws to create beneficial structures that serve all beings.

However, there are plenty of examples of people using their knowledge of laws for selfish or narrow-minded purposes. Best case scenario, the structures they create are inconvenient, annoying or expensive. Worst case scenario, the manipulation and distortion of laws is used to cause harm and wreak havoc for the purpose of personal gain.

If Alchemy is the study of Universal Law for the purpose of transformation and creation of the fabric of life itself, we need people like you to have these tools.

You, with your desire to heal yourself and those around you.

You, with your empathy and generosity.

You, because you want the world to be a better place for all beings.

You, because you love life, you love animals and plants, you believe in magic and you know that you are called to serve.

Imagine if you had the blueprint to the fabric of creation.

Imagine what might become possible for you as a student of the Great Mystery.

Imagine what you might do in your life and in the world with the knowledge of Universal Law at your fingertips.

Are you ready to become a student of the Great Mystery and master the application of Universal Law?

I AM Alchemy begins March 2024.

As one course graduate shared:

"The I AM Alchemy course was not just a way to deepen my own magical mastery through all of the different teachings, tools, and practices, but it was a container for deep transformation. I am a different person than I was before working with Michelle and doing this program, but at the same time, I am more fully myself than ever before. This container was really what held me and supported me through the death of the old and rebirth into the new.

Through I AM Alchemy, I have learned so much about how creation, transformation, and magic works on both a practical and spiritual level. This course helped me to incorporate all of the different teachings and modalities that I've learned before into a strong foundation that I can continue to use over and over again. My life is so much more magical and expansive. I feel like I've upleveled into a new version of power, creation, mastery, and connection. I have also deepened my trust in spirit and magic that has made the hard parts of life so much easier and the best parts of life more joyful.

One of my biggest takeaways is trusting when I feel called and leaning into the unknown. I felt called to do this program but I didn't always understand why. I'm not a practitioner or healer so I wasn't sure that I needed to invest in my own spiritual, personal, and magical growth in this way. However, I am so grateful that I gave myself this opportunity because it has led me to live in a way that I had always dreamed of. Mixing magic and spirituality into a very practical 3D life. I don't feel like I need to choose between the two, but instead can weave them together to create a life that feels both personally fulfilling and deeply impactful."

I AM Alchemy is a year-long course in practical transformation for your spiritual journey. Check out all the course details here.

Early Bird ends December 22. Are you ready to apply for the course and claim your Early Bird discount?

$200 off Student Path!

$400 off Apprentice Path!

(If you're not sure which option is right for you, I will help you decide during our consultation.)

Here's how to lock in your spot for I AM Alchemy Early Bird:

  1. Submit your application for I AM Alchemy.

  2. Book a consultation with me.

  3. Pay your deposit to hold your spot.


I AM Alchemy:

Study the Mystery

Practice Transformation

Actualize your Radiance

Is I AM Alchemy “too much?”

Has anyone ever told you that you're "too much?"

If so, this is for you.

Is I AM Alchemy “too much?”

Over the years of teaching I AM Alchemy, a few fellow entrepreneurs have offered me their unsolicited feedback on this course when they hear how involved it is. They say, "You're delivering too much in I AM Alchemy. Why are you offering so much in your course? What if you offered less? What if you scale back your availability? Are people interested in that much content?"

My first response is, "I am delivering exactly what Spirit has guided me to offer." (My second response is much more blunt and I’ve only said it to someone’s face once. Read on for that.)

Here's what people who think it’s “too much” don't understand about I AM Alchemy:

I AM Alchemy is a course in practical spirituality and experiential education, not a self-study workbook course. Each one of the 36+ modules throughout the year includes an in-depth teaching transmission with practical applications and integration exercises. Most of the modules also include accompanying movement practice videos for somatic integration.

I AM Alchemy is a mystery school lineage, not a coaching program. In the coaching world, the philosophy seems to be "scale everything you can.” This is not a group mastermind. This is not hot seat coaching. I AM Alchemy is a mystery school, which means that our focus is on training, experiential learning and practical application of specific techniques and philosophy. Our group calls are focused on deep exploration and integration of the material into each student’s personal practice. We also prioritize community: students are invited to collaborate with each other, and to connect with past I AM Alchemy apprentices for additional peer support, mentorship and community through the lineage.

I AM Alchemy is a journey of self mastery, which is a deeply personal and vulnerable process, and I’m here for all of it. I don’t contract a coach to support my apprentices. I don’t have a virtual assistant answer my students’ emails. I am personally available to all of my students for support and guidance throughout the year.

As far as, "Are people interested in that much content?" ...you're the only one who can answer that.

Are YOU interested in being initiated into a powerful mystery school that will teach you practical applications of universal law to help you create your life in accordance with the divine blueprint of your soul?

Do YOU feel the call to gather with like-hearted seekers for the purpose of initiation, deep magic and powerful transformation?

Do YOU want to receive powerful and consistent support from a magical teacher (me), who you know has your back and wants to make time for you?

...or is that "too much" for you?

You're the only one who can answer that question. And truly, there is no "right" or "wrong" answer.

But as far as I'm concerned...

Fuck “too much.”

Fuck the idea of providing less value, less material and less experience.

Fuck the idea of making myself unavailable to the people I want to support.

Fuck "taking away 80% of the course and scaling back to the non-negotiable 20%.” The whole thing is non-negotiable, since that’s how Spirit directed me to teach it.

This course was never about me. This course was never about trying to create something that would "succeed in the market." Most of the time, I honestly don't even feel as though "I" am the one teaching. Instead, the wisdom of this lineage pours through me, and the best thing I can do for it and for my students is to let it happen and be in humble presence with the mysteries.

Is that "too much?"

For some people, yes. This course is absolutely not for everyone.

...but if you're reading this and your heart is pounding with a feeling of recognition, maybe it's for you.

If you also are ready to say, "Fuck 'too much,'" maybe this course is for you.

If you feel a soul calling to Alchemy, maybe this course is for you.

If you know that you are meant to show up for something bigger than yourself and let your own divine directive flow through you like rain pouring through a sacred vessel, then maybe this course is for you.

You are the only person who can know that for sure. But if I AM Alchemy is calling you, know that Early Bird ends December 22.

I promise you that this course is not "too much" if it aligns with your sacred path. I AM Alchemy is part of my path, and if it's part of yours, it'll be just right.

Are you ready for personal training in practical spirituality and experiential education?

Do you feel a calling to the mysteries?

Are you craving the peace and trust that come from deep-seated Self Mastery?

I AM Alchemy begins March 2024.

As one course graduate shared:

"I joined I AM Alchemy because I had been on a spiritual and magical journey for several years, but I desired something deeper to truly integrate all that I was learning. I knew I was in a transition stage but didn't quite know who or what I was transitioning into. I knew I needed something with structure that was not just about completing modules or participating in calls, but something that I was able to immerse myself in while still living my day to day life.

Through I AM Alchemy, I have learned so much about how creation, transformation, and magic works on both a practical and spiritual level. This course helped me to incorporate all of the different teachings and modalities that I've learned before into a strong foundation that I can continue to use over and over again. My life is so much more magical and expansive. I feel like I've upleveled into a new version of power, creation, mastery, and connection. I have also deepened my trust in spirit and magic that has made the hard parts of life so much easier and the best parts of life more joyful.

I recommend I AM Alchemy to anyone who feels called, especially those who have taken many courses and programs but still feel like they're not fully integrating. For me, this was like the graduate study in practical magic that helped pull everything together and allowed me to lead my own transformation."

I AM Alchemy is a year-long course in practical transformation for your spiritual journey. Check out all the course details here.

Early Bird ends December 22. Are you ready to apply for the course and claim your Early Bird discount?

$200 off Student Path!
$400 off Apprentice Path!

(If you're not sure which option is right for you, I will help you decide during our consultation.)

Here's how to lock in your spot for I AM Alchemy Early Bird:

  1. Submit your application for I AM Alchemy.

  2. Book a consultation with me.

  3. Pay your deposit to hold your spot.

I AM Alchemy:
Study the Mystery
Practice Transformation
Actualize your Radiance

Study the Mystery. Practice Transformation. Actualize Your Radiance.

Study the Mystery.

Practice Transformation.

Actualize Your Radiance.

This is more than the I AM Alchemy course tagline. This is the foundation of how we engage with the mystery school of Alchemy, but what does it mean?

It’s the 3-step recipe for how to effectively create healing and growth.

1. Study the Mystery

The keys to healing, radiant aliveness, right relation and well-being are woven into the fabric of creation all around us. Life itself is encoded with the truth of Universal Law. Everything on Earth flows with the Cycles of Power and energetic dynamics. By devoting ourselves to studying the Great Mystery, we open to learning these laws and codes. The cure for every ail already exists—we start by simply assessing what the ailment is, and that will indicate the appropriate actions to bring it into balance.

Alchemy is a diagnostic practice, which means that it will help you confidently assess the challenge or ail. Based on our studies of Universal Law and the Great Mystery, we form a diagnostic assessment. This may include:

  • Which stage of Alchemy the person is in

  • Which level(s) need the most support for transformation

  • Which aspects of Self/archetypes of the Inner Constellation are needing the most support, and which parts of Self are driving the process

  • Which planetary or universal energies would be most supportive to cultivate at that time

Example: let’s imagine a person who has gone through a challenging loss, such as ending a relationship. They have divided up their shared assets, moved out of their home, and lost connection with some mutual friends and community. This person is feeling grief, loneliness, disorientation and pain.

By studying the mystery and using our diagnostic tools, we could assess that this person is in the Dissolution stage of Alchemy, which is characterized as “Death of energetic and emotional structures.” The loss of the physical structures already happened in the previous stage: closing a relationship, moving out of the home, losing friends. Now the etheric architecture of those structures is dissolving away from this person’s life. The energies of this stage are all about mourning the loss, returning to the Void, surrender and reconnecting with the potential of creation.

Our diagnostic assessment of this person may look something like this:

  • Stage of Alchemy: Dissolution

  • Levels of support: All levels

  • Archetypes at work: Calling upon Inner Nurturer to support Self through the process, healing Inner Warrior from feeling defensive and Inner Sovereign from fear of (not) being seen and loved

  • Universal energies: Cycles of change, Grief work, Clearing stagnation and emotion

From this diagnostic assessment, we form our recommendations.

2. Practice Transformation

This is where we take inspired action and create transformation. Alchemy is a prescriptive practice, which means that based on the diagnostic assessment, we can apply specific practices and spiritual technology that work directly with the energies at play in order to create change.

Alchemical practices and spiritual technology are specific to the stages of Alchemy, the levels of energetic density, the Inner Archetypes and Universal energies.

To support the person in our example above, an Alchemist may prescribe the following:

  • Dissolution practices for all levels (Cibation meditation, yin yoga, sacred water offerings, sacred water collection and consecration, ritual baths, intuitive movement, journaling and writing unsent letters).

  • Inner Nurturer, Warrior and Sovereign practices (addressing nutrition, rest posture, Shamanic journey practice, soul retrieval, Inner Child work, solar plexus activation, heart opening practices).

  • Lunar rituals to work with the cycles of transformation, Lung channel qigong to purge grief, and tapping practices to clear organs, glands and release trapped emotion.

The “Practice Transformation” part of this 3-step recipe is where we have power to actively apply tools and techniques in order to bring about change. Transformation is a process, but in this case, it is also a specific skill set that operates based on logical and consistent truths of Universal Law.

3. Actualize Your Radiance

This is the inevitable outcome of moving through the cycle of Alchemy and effectively applying practices of transformation according to our studies of the Great Mystery. Life is encoded with all of the keys to healing, radiant aliveness, right relation and well-being. All of creation seeks to thrive, and when we live our lives according to the truth of Universal Law, we work with the unseen forces all around us that support our thriving.

A successful outcome for our example person above might look like:

  • They move from the Dissolution Stage to the Separation Stage and work with principles of Purification.

  • Their Inner Nurturer is balanced and nourished, their Inner Warrior is peaceful, and their Inner Sovereign is shining their light and feeling worthy of love and attention from Self and others.

  • They are working in collaboration with Universal cycles of change (rather than feeling tossed around by them), Lung qi is healthy with Courage and Integrity, organ function and emotional body is clear and relaxed.

When we devote ourselves as students of the Great Mystery, we learn the keys to healing and radiant aliveness.

When we know the keys to healing and radiant aliveness, we can apply specific tools and spiritual technology for transformation.

When we apply specific tools for transformation, we actualize our most thriving, radiant selves.

Do you crave the healing, transformation and growth that comes with Alchemy?

Are you ready to Study the Mystery, Practice Transformation and Actualize Your Radiance?

I AM Alchemy begins March 2024.

As one course graduate shared:

"I joined I AM Alchemy because I had been on a spiritual and magical journey for several years, but I desired something deeper to truly integrate all that I was learning... The I AM Alchemy course was not just a way to deepen my own magical mastery through all of the different teachings, tools, and practices, but it was a container for deep transformation. I am a different person than I was before working with Michelle and doing this program, but at the same time, I am more fully myself than ever before. This container was really what held me and supported me through the death of the old and rebirth into the new... Michelle’s support and this container helped me to step into my own power. I really feel like I spiritually and magically grew up during my time working with her."

I AM Alchemy is the year-long apprenticeship that will teach you practical transformation for your spiritual journey. Check out all the course details here.

Early Bird ends December 22. Are you ready to apply for the course and claim your Early Bird discount?

$200 off Student Path!

$400 off Apprentice Path!

(If you're not sure which option is right for you, I will help you decide during our consultation.)

Here's how to lock in your spot for I AM Alchemy Early Bird:

  1. Submit your application for I AM Alchemy.

  2. Book a consultation with me.

  3. Pay your deposit to hold your spot.

Self Mastery: The Alchemist's Path

Dear fellow Alchemists,

Thank you for continuing to ask the Big Questions. You know the ones I mean...

"Who am I?"

"What is my purpose?"

"What the f*** am I doing with my life?"

If you're asking these questions, you’re not alone.

Spiritual practices like Alchemy necessarily involve a high degree of uncertainty and inquiry. We ask a lot of big questions, and sometimes we find answers, but just as often we end up with more questions. The same is true of science. In both cases, the process of inquiry is just as important as any possible answer.

But sometimes, it’s neither the answer, nor the question itself that’s important. Sometimes, the most important thing to consider is why we’re asking the question.

Many years ago, I was talking with a mentor about the 6 Core Drivers of Human Behavior (originally from Tony Robbins). I was already familiar with this concept, but something landed for me in a new way when I looked at the driver of Significance.

"People who are driven by Significance are those who crave Mastery of their lives," my mentor said.

At that time, I had always taken for granted my interest in self-inquiry and Self Mastery. I had never before put the idea together with an archetypal driver of my behavior that impacts my choices, my worldview and how I offer my work to serve others.

During that lightbulb moment, I learned that not only do I want to know myself and practice the path of Self Mastery for me, but:

I want it to matter.

I want my journey to be important and serve other people.

I want the questions I ask myself and the path of self-knowledge to ripple out farther beyond me than I could ever imagine.

I want the path of Self Mastery to be available to all who seek it.

Are you asking Big Questions about your life?

Do you crave the self-trust, confidence and peace that come with Self Mastery?

I AM Alchemy begins March 2024.

As one course graduate shared:

“You said it all along—this course is self mastery, but I didn’t really believe it. But now I feel it. There was a maturing that happened—I don’t need to go to someone else to fix my life. You guided me and encouraged me and you were there to support me and offer the wisdom, but this gave me the tools to become the co-creator of my own life [with Spirit]. I’ve stepped into that much more easily without feeling like I’m faking it. I’m not looking for someone else to spark my transformation. I feel very resourced, I trust myself. I have guides and support and people who can help, but I know what to do. Instead of feeling like “someone else has all the answers and they will tell me what to do,” I know what to do. This course is like spiritual grad school—no one will tell you what to write your thesis on, they’ll help you but it’s in your own hands.”

I AM Alchemy is the year-long apprenticeship that will teach you practical transformation for your spiritual journey. Check out all the course details here.

Early Bird ends December 22. Are you ready to apply for the course and claim your Early Bird discount?

$200 off Student Path!

$400 off Apprentice Path!

(If you're not sure which option is right for you, I will help you decide during our consultation.)

Here's how to lock in your spot for I AM Alchemy Early Bird:

  1. Submit your application for I AM Alchemy.

  2. Book a consultation with me.

  3. Pay your deposit to hold your spot.

Here's what people are saying behind my back

Here's what people are saying behind my back.

...in the best possible way!

Y'all, the Sacred Ecology course was so much fun. After decades of developing this curriculum through my personal practice and 1 on 1 mentorship instruction, I finally made it an "official" course at the end of the summer.

But don't let me tell you how amazing it was. Here are some notes about the course from a few of my students:

"I am a Medicine Woman, Trans Medium and Channel, Somatic Psychedelic Integration Specialist, and Psychedelic Doula. I took the Sacred Ecology course because Michelle is the best in her field, and after witnessing her powers from other offerings it truly was a no brainer. This course has been great because I have fully connected to the land, the spirits, and myself through Michelle’s guidance. In Sacred Ecology, I learned how to create a Protectorate and work within the fields of nature magic. My biggest takeaway is a true deepening of my morning and evening practice, my connection to the dragons and nature spirits, and feeling the depth of my connection to trees, plants and animals. Because of this course, I will be able to grow as a Medicine Woman, and continue to share my gifts more deeply and profoundly."

— Dayle Breault, she/her, Ceremonial Guide and Medicine Keeper, Costa Rica

"I like how Michelle sees and talks about the natural world. She is deeply committed to honoring & respecting Nature in all her forms. Michelle is a great teacher, and has put a lot of energy into creating a clear and well organized class. Michelle talked about certain offerings, as well as ways of connecting to animal allies in a way that inspired me to take action on things that I had been called to do for a while, but felt “blocked” from following through. Once I followed her direction, I was able to release old stories & welcome in fresh energy. These practices strengthened the connection I have with my home, land and neighborhood. After hearing my story with one particular offering, Michelle pinpointed an issue that I could do some self healing with to benefit my life and my ancestral lineage, and she provided a great framework for how to move forward with that."
— Jessica Riphenburg, Shamanic Practitioner

"I participated in Sacred Ecology because I wanted to connect to my indigenous ancestors and respect the land in which I travel. Now I have a high level connection and new tools to respectfully travel on land that I can honor and respect. I can give offerings and work directly with my ancestors and spirit guides. In this course I learned where I come from and have a deeper understanding of the presence of Gaia and how I can connect and work in collaboration with the world around me with sacred intention. My biggest takeaway is now I am connected to source and feel a huge responsibility to respectfully honor my sacred indigenous lineage. The #1 thing I will remember from working with Michelle is making intention and consciousness top of mind with everything I do. I have guidance all around me and now I know it’s possible to ask for that guidance. I recommend this course for anyone who wants to connect to our ancestral roots and become more personally conscious of our responsibility as stewards of this land. Michelle has an incredibly special talent she has been called to share. Her insight and sacred approach is incredibly inspiring. I’ve grown to trust her guidance and approach to honoring the land and ancestry at a very high level. Beautiful soul!"
— Concetta C. Healer. Salem, OR

Sacred Ecology will be back in summer of 2024! If you missed it this time around and want first dibs when I open registration next year, reply to this email and say "I want first dibs!"

In the meantime, here are a few other ways to work with me:

  • 1 on 1 mentorship: ongoing enrollment. Totally personalized, high-level individual support for you and your unique spiritual path. Ideal for practitioners who want support with skill development in energetic mastery, healership and mediumship, and for spiritual seekers who want tailored support for their personal journey. Submit an application here to get the ball rolling.

  • I AM Alchemy course: begins March 2024. Year-long apprenticeship training for soul-aligned seekers. Receive profound training in practical applications of spiritual techniques, ritual, magic and ceremony that will have a material, measurable effect on your life, your practice and the world. Course admission by application and interview only. Applications open in November. Get on the wait list here.

  • Sacred Amazonian Plant Medicine: monthly ceremonies. Sign up here to receive calendar updates and invitations.

Study the Mystery.
Practice Transformation.
Actualize Radiance.


Get Support:

Are you ready for practical support for your spiritual journey?

Book a call with me to talk about what type of support is right for you.

Archangel Michael and Dragons

Last weekend I incorporated Archangel Michael and a Dragon in immediate succession with each other. I don’t say that lightly.

My guides have directed me to share this story with you for the purpose of offering a healing and coded transmission about correcting distortions through the collective consciousness. (Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t write about it, due to privacy and respect for the beings I work with.) I invite you to allow this to flow through you and trust that you will receive whatever you need from this message.

In case you’re new to the idea of incorporation mediumship, here’s a brief teaching: mediumship is the practice of communicating with and being a psychic conduit to the spirits. Incorporation mediumship means allowing the spirits to enter and incorporate into a channel’s physical body. This is a very powerful process that allows spirits to come work directly through the channel—to speak, to dance, to offer healing work and transmissions. Depending on the skill of the channel and on the beings present, this can be very beautiful and healing, very uncomfortable and/or very dangerous. This is not a beginner practice.

I have been practicing mediumship for many years, and am very confident in my ability to safely incorporate spirits that pass the inner “checklist:” Is this a divine being who abides by the laws of sovereignty, free will, love and reverence for life? Is this being here for the purpose of guidance, illumination and healing? If yes, then we proceed.

Last weekend I co-facilitated a sacred plant medicine ceremony. (More on that and an “official” announcement coming soon—for now, if you’re interested in getting news and invitations about my sacred plant medicine practice, join that list here.)

During the first night, one of the participants started to struggle and requested support. I approached them to help, and moments later, the force of the medicine in the entire room increased exponentially. My hands flew back as if I had been shocked, and immediately, a massive light being, bigger and more powerful than I had ever experienced before, incorporated into my body. Even now as I type this, the energy of it is once again electrifying my skin and all the hair on my arms is standing up.

At the time, I only knew that this massive, divine being was there to help. I wasn’t yet aware of its identity but I knew clearly that it was aligned with divine law, and was offering support. I felt colossal waves of power rolling through my body as it facilitated a major extraction and clearing on behalf of the participant.

At some point, the energy shifted as the participant made a crucial choice towards love and healing. The first massive being left my body and was replaced by an equally enormous being who I clearly identified as a Dragon. The Dragon supported the participant in recalibrating to love and reconnecting with the womb of creation. The energy of this Dragon was pure, primal love and raw Gaia power.

Things with the participant continued to shift and ease. They later described this experience as the best moment of their life.

After ceremony closed, I reflected on the experience and wondered who the being was that had incorporated at the beginning of the extraction. “I feel like it was an angel,” I said to my co-facilitator, and immediately felt the truth of that. “I think it was Archangel Michael.” Again, immediate truth and confirmation. “Seriously, that was Archangel Michael?? No wonder it was so big.”

As I’ve reflected on and integrated this very powerful incorporation mediumship experience, my guides brought some things to my attention that they wanted me to share with you. Here you go:

There is a tremendous distortion field in our collective consciousness around the Angelic Court, Archangel Michael specifically, Dragons in general, and the relationship between Dragons and Angels.

Dragons have long been vilified through the oppressive, patriarchal systems within organized religion as standing for evil, primitive consciousness, temptation, falling from grace and the Devil. Dragons have been cast as villains, embodiments of greed and sin, violence and harm.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Dragons are beings of primal Earth power, love, creation and transformation. Dragons weave currents of magic and aliveness through Gaia. Dragons love and hold deep reverence for life, truth, compassion and right relation.

Archangel Michael has his own distortion fields in collective consciousness, although these are less obvious. He has been cast as a figurehead of divine law, soldier of God, warrior Archangel of righteousness, slayer of demons. He is depicted in many works of art and literature as slaying Dragons and conquering the Devil.

Yes, Archangel Michael is a warrior of Divine Law. But these are laws of love, truth, sovereignty, integrity and creation. These are laws of mercy, compassion and right relation.

The distortion fields created by systems of oppression are designed to cast Archangel Michael as the hero of Heaven and Dragons as agents of the Devil, and yet the reality is that they both abide by the same laws of love and truth. Archangel Michael stands in for Divine Law from the Above—the celestial realms, the One Mind, the organization and architecture of creation. Dragons embody Divine Law from the Below—the realms of Inner Earth, the One Thing, the Void, the fertile potential and prima materia (first matter) of creation.

In offering healing to this ceremony participant, both Archangel Michael and the Dragons were needed. Archangel Michael supported the extraction and clearing of shadow. The Dragons supported the restoration and rectification to love and creation. Their medicine combined was more than the sum of its parts: they offered a complete healing and helped this person find their way back to the Sacred within themself.

I invite you to take a few minutes to feel the truth of this transmission in your heart and see what arises for you. Are there distortion fields asking to be cleared? Is there new inspiration for your connection to the realms of Divine Law and Creation?

Thank you, thank you thank you so much to Archangel Michael and the Dragons. We are so grateful for the blessings.

What's in the Box?

What's included in the Sacred Ecology curriculum? Check it out:

1. Foundations of Animism

  • What land and nature spirits are

  • Why land and nature spirits are vitally important to animistic practice (shamanism, witchcraft, traditional medicine work)

  • Context and positionality in animistic practice

  • Why your Shamanic work needs to be anchored into Gaia to be most effective

  • Reclaiming and healing indigeneity

2. How to Communicate with Land and Nature Spirits

  • Devotion and collaboration

  • 3 essential types of offerings

  • How to make offerings

  • Receiving messages, signs and communication from nature spirits

3. Temple Planet

  • Geomancy: collaborating with Earth magic

  • Ley lines and the Earth grid

  • Sacred sites, living temples and power portals

  • Guardians and anchor allies

4. Creating a Protectorate

  • What are the Directions and how to work with them

  • How to attune yourself to Gaia's frequency

  • How to cast a protectorate and create temple space

5. Nature Spirit Allies

  • Introduction to nature spirits

  • Embodied and etheric nature spirits

  • Individual, communal and planetary nature spirits

  • Which nature spirits are trying to get your attention and connect with you?

6. Foundations of Ecology

  • Intersection of science and shamanic practice

  • Niches, roles and relationships with other species

  • What is the context of a nature spirit? What role do they play in the ecosystem? What is their medicine?

7. Initiation and Integration

  • Ceremonial initiation with your nature spirit ally

  • How to work with and integrate your ally

  • Working with land and nature spirits in your personal and professional spiritual practice

This course includes:

  • 7 live online classes, each including training, hands-on exercises and integration prompts.

  • Ceremonial initiation with your new nature spirit ally.

  • Private online community for resources and connection.

  • Upgrade option: Add three discounted 1:1 sessions with Michelle for personalized support and mentorship.

Use this code for $100 off at checkout: EB100SE

Early Bird expires July 1! Register now to claim your discount.

My #1 Piece of Advice to Healers, Coaches, Practitioners and Fellow Seekers...

My #1 Piece of Advice to Healers, Coaches, Practitioners and Fellow Seekers on the Path

Nobody ever told me this.

In my 15+ years practicing Shamanic work, 12 years practicing Reiki and 9 years owning and operating my own business, not one single person ever gave me this piece of advice.

Which I find hilarious, because it's one of the most common pieces of advice that I'm offering to my Spiritual Mentorship clients.

As I continue to work with more and more people in a mentorship capacity (healers, coaches, practitioners, both those who are new to their practice and those who are well-established but wanting to serve more), one glaring commonality keeps coming up:

"I can't ____________________ until/because _______________________."

I can't start taking clients until I make a website.
I can't start offering sessions because I'm not totally clear on my niche yet.
I can't do healing work for other people until I've healed myself.
I can't take clients until I've practiced more and am really good at ______ first.
I can't _________ because I don't have a certification.
I can't quit my job because my healing practice isn't where I want it to be yet.
I can't shift the focus of my work because I'm known for __________.
I can't introduce this new practice I'm really excited about because it means I will lose clients who are used to me serving in a certain way.
I can't ___________ because the market is saturated and a bajillion people do that.

Do any of those sound familiar?

We humans are really, really good at coming up with reasons why we shouldn't do something that will stretch us, challenge us and move us in a direction of growth and expansion. I'm not sure if healer/coach/service-types are more prone to this (or if maybe that's just who I hang out with), but I can't tell you how many people over the years I have heard give all sorts of reasons why they can't offer their work.

Believe me, I do this, too! I have been through all sorts of my own versions of these statements over the years. They still come up, but I've learned to recognize them and move through them with a smile.


Okay, so this #1 piece of advice actually comes in four parts. Here they are:

1. There is no "arrival."

Many of these "I can't" statements are conditional upon some sort of "arrival" or achievement--the idea that we must reach some sort of arbitrary finish line in order to finally offer our work or service.  Here's the kicker: the finish line keeps moving.

The more we know, the more we realize we don't know. (Or maybe that's just me.) We think that getting that certification will finally enable us to do this work, and then once we have it, we think we need another training on top of that, and then  we need to go study this supplementary practice, and then go train with XYZ expert in the field...

Guess what: we are never "done." There is no "arrival." There is no "I am finally qualified because I have all the certifications and know every little thing so now I can officially open my practice and start helping people!!"

Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, or has stopped growing, themselves.

You don't have to have all the answers to be a good healer/coach/practitioner/whatever. And while there might be some fields where certification or licensure is required by law, for the most part, you probably don't actually need to cross whatever arbitrary finish line you created for yourself in order to serve the people you want to help.

In fact, by waiting to offer your work until you've "arrived," you are making yourself unavailable to the people who need you.

Which leads me to...

2. Just do the thing!

Yup. It's that simple. Just start offering your work. Don't wait until you figure out exactly what you're offering, don't wait until you have a website, don't wait until you quit your corporate job, don't wait until you've healed yourself completely (see #1).

...because the best way for you to figure out what you're offering is to get immediate, direct feedback from doing the work.
...because the best way to make your website is once you already have a clear vision of how you are supporting people.
...because the best driver and inspiration for you to leave your corporate job to do the thing you love is doing the thing you love.
...because we are never done our healing journey. It is possible to be a phenomenal healer and still be on the path ourselves. In fact, it is impossible to be a phenomenal healer and NOT be on the path.

By simply doing the thing, eventually you will...

3. Master your craft.

Mastery comes from practice. There is no shortcut. There is no other way around it. Stop looking for a magic quick fix.

...and enjoy the journey of discovery! What happens when we treat the process and practice as the goal itself, instead of any imagined end result?

  • We allow ourselves to be fully present within the process.

  • We treat ourselves with more compassion, patience and generosity.

  • We treat others with more compassion, patience and generosity.

  • We are able to practice our craft with curiosity and awareness, as opposed to judgement and comparison.

  • We release attachment to outcome and take pressure off ourselves.

  • We usually enjoy ourselves more.

  • We get really freaking good at the thing we are practicing.

When we treat Mastery as a journey of practice, rather than any sort of state of enlightenment, it becomes more accessible to us and to our potential clients. I can guarantee you that anyone would rather work with you, the human who is practicing and mastering their craft all the time, than the all-enlightened-super-perfect-master-on-the-mountaintop. You've got this.

Which leads me to (most important part!!!)...

4. Let your I AM be your Medicine.

In other words, let your most authentic, fully expressed Self be your service. Yes. It's that simple. YOU, yourself, are the best Medicine you could offer.

As long as I'm making guarantees, I guarantee that there is someone out there who needs you, exactly as you are, to support them on their path. Not the version of you who looks cool on Instagram. Not the version of you who seems to have their whole life together. Not the version of you who has finally "arrived." (See #1.)

You, in your I AM, as your fully expressed Self, are ready to offer your Original Medicine to the world. Let that be enough.

Because it is enough.

Because you are enough.

This is one of the biggest challenges I have faced, personally and professionally: the idea that my Self, my I AM, exactly as I AM, is the perfect Medicine for me to offer. That it can really be that simple.

And the more that I have embraced my I AM and allowed my Original Medicine to come through in my work:

  • I trust myself more than I ever though possible.

  • I AM supporting myself and my clients through even bigger life challenges and changes with ease.

  • I have dramatically upleveled my practice and my business to greater degrees of alignment, effectiveness and grace.

  • My work is even more subtle, even more powerful and more enjoyable for me and my clients.

  • I AM experiencing more freedom of choice, time, resources and abundance.

  • I feel more authentically embodied in my life and my practice than ever before.

What would that version of your life be like? What would that version of your practice feel like?

Can you let your Self be enough?

If this advice resonates with you, I would like to offer you an invitation:

Next week, on Monday, August 13, I will open applications for I AM Medicine: the fall iteration of my Spiritual Mentorship work that begins September 4th. There is space in this work for you to explore your own I AM and claim your Original Medicine.

Are you ready to release any sense of "arrival?" Are you ready to just do the thing you have been waiting on? Are you ready to master your craft? Are you ready to let your most authentic Self be enough?

Any good mentor is walking the path with you, and I promise that I AM right here on this journey, too.